A classic look with a modern twist — Reiro, a carefully designed Ghost theme for any kind of ideas.

General features

  • See all Demos
  • Ready for Ghost 5.x
  • Clean design
  • Lightweight and minimal
  • Super fast
  • Fully responsive
  • Compatible with modern browsers
  • Updated regularly
  • Fast support

Supports inbuilt Ghost features

  • Translation ready English included
  • Search function
  • Comments
  • Membership tiers
  • Accent color
  • Responsive images
  • Publication cover image
  • Publication title and description
  • Publication logo
  • Post, page, tag and author page
  • Author avatar, cover, bio, location, website and social accounts
  • Tag cover and description
  • Tags in post-cards
  • Multiple authors
  • Markdown, Bookmark, Button, Callout and Toggle card
  • Audio, File, Product, Gallery and Header card
  • Image card with normal, wide and full width
  • Video card with normal, wide and full width
  • Two quotes style
  • Secondary navigation
  • Featured posts
  • Reading time in post view
  • Next and previous post navigation
  • Social accounts

Members & subscriptions

Additional theme features

  • See all Demos
  • 20 font pairs
  • Secondary logo for dark version
  • Hero section with Subscription form or Search box
  • Wigets with option: Popular tags or Best authors
  • Featured section for 6 posts or 3 posts and button for a custom featured page
  • Post image orientation: Natural, Landscape, and Panoramic (also with wide option)
  • Sidebar with Subscription form in post view
  • Custom contact page with Formspree or Getform
  • Custom featured page
  • Custom authors page
  • Custom tags page
  • Custom error page
  • Reading progress indicator in post view
  • Special section for posts based on primary tag
  • Image zoom in post view
  • Dropdown navigation for many items
  • Custom search function
  • Related posts in post view
  • Sharing post on Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter
  • Copy link function in post view
  • Responsive video
  • Responsive tables
  • Six columns in the footer
  • Automatic dark version depending on system settings
  • Additional social links


All photos used in the theme demo are from Unsplash.